How to Win Big in the combien de nembutal est mortel Industry
Death, like birth, is not an emergency but an emergence. Death is akin to a flower opening.--Stephen Levine
He was sort of surprised that as a Christian, I so staunchly agreed with him about assisted suicide; I believe life is a kind of Earth school, so even though assisted suicide meant you were getting out early, before the term ended, you were going to be leaving anyway, so who said it wasn't OK to take an incomplete in the course?--Anne Lamott
One of my students was suffering terribly from bone cancer and two strokes. He was a terminal patient in the hospital. He often, in his agony, would say, "Can't you help me die now?" My instinctual feeling of empathy mixed with my personal ethical ideas. Just listening--being with him, even in awkward moments-- was my response to him and he wasn't asking for anything else.
He would say: "I wish I lived in Oregon." In lucid moments, he lamented what he called "paternalistic" medical practice. He did find some solace in having drafted a Living Will with the help of his family.
In 1976, a court order had comatose Karen Ann Quinlan taken off a respirator and in 1990, the parents of Nancy Cruzan went all the way to the Supreme Court to remove their daughter from life support. Now, through advance directives, there is more flexibility to accommodate patients' wishes. Of course, doctors and patients do not and should not have to go against their personal beliefs.
In the July 18, '04 Los Angeles Times magazine, there was a story by Fred Dickey about an 85 year old Oregonian, Howard Wildfang, who was suffering from a lingering death of lung cancer.
"He sits in his retirement-home apartment...his papery skin is mottled. His body is shrunken...words pushed out with great effort..."
He says he's decided to legally end his own life. In Oregon, "The Death With Dignity" Law (passed in 1994, in effect since 1998) states that with safeguards, any person professionally diagnosed with a terminal disease (within a probable six months) has the right to hurry along death. In the first eight years of the Oregon law, 240 people ingested lethal prescriptions.
Howard feels he doesn't only want to ease suffering for himself, but also to be part of social progress in our American culture. In California--with great protest from the Catholic Church and others--there is a similar bill being considered which would release doctors from liability in prescribing lethal doses of drugs . "Through his death, he sees another way he can serve that populist spirit by showing others that they can control their lives right up to the end."
Howard feels it's time for him to go, not to be forced by technology to live longer than is felt by him to be natural. In Oregon, the assisted death law requires both two verbal requests (separated by fifteen days) and a written request signed by two witnesses. Two physicians must confirm the terminal diagnosis before the prescription is issued. The person must be judged as "capable" and be informed of alternatives, including pain control. The terminally ill person must take the drugs himself, in Howard's case, it was to be 10 grams of pentobarbital in a drinkable solution, about triple the amount necessary to kill an average adult.
Howard died seven days prior to the date he had planned on taking the final drug.
In Oregon, in cases of physician-assisted suicide, the cause of death is listed as the person's disease, not suicide. The New York City Medical Examiner's Office listed the cause of death for those who jumped from the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 as "homicides," not as suicides.
I visit a fellow Catholic--terminally ill-- who is struggling with his conscience about how he would die. We discuss how Catholic teaching does not require one to take extraordinary measures to extend life. The doctor says he does not have any reasonable chance to get better, so he doesn't want to be put on machines just to keep going. He seems peaceful with his decision not to have artificial procedures applied to him.
Doctors may not agree with physician-assisted suicide, but there are other ways to hasten death. Some doctors may offer powerful sedatives for severe pain. These sedatives quicken death, by deeply relaxing the person into a sleep from which the person is unlikely to awaken.
Some people may choose to refuse nourishment as a way to die. Physicians report that dehydration and starvation in the terminally ill are relatively painless, part of a protective mechanism in the body. Patients die of dehydration rather than starvation, if they don't die from their illness first. The brain produces compounds which create a euphoria. The lungs breathe more intensely while the heartbeat slows and blood pressure drops. The kidneys release toxins that anesthetize the body; muscles shrink and the extremities turn cold.
Others have left instructions with their families or friends when to have life-support technology taken away. Doctors, with advance directives/family support, may remove the feeding tube in the stomach and stop intravenous feeding.
Living Wills/Advanced Directives
"Advance directive" is a term that covers living wills and health care proxies (durable health-care power of attorney). Some of our patients have a living will or an "advanced directive" which prohibits the prolonging of one's life artificially should the person find himself in a terminal medical condition from which there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. It's put in words such as these: "I don't want to just be alive at all costs. If my death is imminent and cannot be avoided, and I've lost my ability to interact, in meaningful ways, with others, I do not want surgeries or resuscitation, nor life-support from ventilators, life-prolonging procedures such as feeding tubes, intensive care services...I want to be sedated before being disconnected to a ventilator."
The Living Will defines the medical conditions covered--for example, a terminal illness; a permanent unconscious condition; a minimally conscious condition where there's an inability to express one's wishes. It tells whether and when to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments, CPR, resuscitation, artificial administration of fluids and nutrition. It may ask for sufficient comfort care (palliative care) with pain killers and sedatives, after which no food/water is given.
Some, on the other hand, want to strongly affirm their desire for aggressive life-sustaining care. They do not want, for example, a feeding tube removed when their condition is apparently "hopeless." They affirm their "Right to Live." In England, activist Leslie Burke went to court (2004) to object to the guidelines of the General Medical Council which oversees medical practices in Britain. The council allows doctors, even against a patient's wishes, to withhold or withdraw life-prolonging treatment if they deem a patient's condition so severe and prognosis so poor that artificial feeding would cause more suffering than benefit. A judge sided with Mr. Burke saying a patient, as long as he is mentally competent, should decide.
Some of our patients want to avoid having a conservator appointed for them and have set up a "revocable trust" (living trust) which designates someone to mange assets outside court jurisdiction, avoiding probate costs. Some--through a durable power of attorney--put a person in charge of finances. This doesn't have to be drawn up by an attorney, but must be notarized.
So let's make our own wishes known ahead of time. Ideally, we should write out our living will and go over it with our proxy so we'll be on the same page about our wishes.
I need to prepare you for the dog food ingredients information you are about to receive. What I'm going to tell you is really going to gross you out. It is going to make you not want to buy any more commercial dog food, or at least not buy 99% of all the dog food brands out there. You are going to be shocked and disgusted. You are going to get angry that it can actually happen. You are going to wonder why the government isn't protecting you and your dog. You are going to wonder how this could happen without more people knowing about it. You are going to want to take immediate action to protect your dog. It is disturbing information and yes, before you even ask, these facts are 100% true.
Dead Dogs Are Included In Dog Food Ingredients
When dogs don't get adopted at dog shelters, they usually get euthanized. It is very expensive to bury these euthanized dogs so they often get picked up by rendering companies and used to make dog food and other animal feed. They get "rendered" by throwing them into huge vats along with other ingredients at very high temperatures and then chopped up and melted down into one big conglomerate rendered soup. So, dead dogs get "recycled" back into dog food. The term "recycled" is an industry term. When you feed your dog commercial dog food, you may very well be feeding dog to your dog, although "dog" or "canine" will never be listed specifically in the ingredients. At one point, the city of Los Angeles alone was sending 400,000 pounds of euthanized dogs and cats to rendering factories. The $2.4 billion dollar per year rendering business doesn't mention these figures anywhere on their websites that tout "recycling" and the multi-billion dollar pet food industry (more than $13 billion per year in the United States alone) keeps this a hush hush secret.
When treasured family pets get terminally ill and the family decides to euthanize them or when pet dogs die on the operating table, the bereft family often leaves the dead dog with the vet. However, most of these dogs do not get buried or honored in any special way. Just like the fate of the unwanted shelter dogs, euthanized pet dogs at the vet's office often get sent to rendering plants to be turned into dog food. That's right... beloved family pets get turned into dog food. Never leave your pet dog at the vet's office no matter what.
Believe it or not, it gets even worse. The barbiturate that is used to euthanize dogs (and other animals included in dog food such as zoo animals), sodium pentobarbital, does not fully break down in the rendering process. In other words, high temperature does not break down sodium pentobarbital. So, when you feed your dog, there is a very high likelihood it is laced with a residue of the chemical used to euthanize dogs!
If the dead dogs included in dog food had cancerous tumors or contagious diseases, it doesn't matter. They are still sent to the rendering factory. If the dead dogs had been treated with powerful antibiodics and other strong medications, these are included in the vat at the rendering plant. If the dog was wearing a chain around its neck, had surgical pins containing heavy metals inserted, had a flea collar on, it doesn't matter. Nothing is removed. It is all just dumped in with the rest, mechanically chopped up, heated to very high temperatures, and turned into dog food and other products like cosmetics. If the dog died of mad cow disease, the dog would still be picked up by the rendering plants because vets don't even call it mad cow disease. Instead, they euphemistically call it "Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)." The FDA is in complete denial on this subject.
Diseased and Dying Animals Are Intentionally Included As Dog Food Ingredients
Farm animals so sick they can't stand up are often picked up for the rendering plants without even being tested to see what is making them so sick. Often the animal will lay there until half rotten before it is picked up and taken to the rendering plant. Zoo animals that die of mysterious causes are often taken to the rendering plant. If you feed your dog commercial dog food, you may very well be feeding them diseased cattle, diseased horses, diseased giraffe, diseased hippopotamus, diseased lions, etc, etc. Diseased animals are fair game for the pet food industry and rendering plants will gladly accept the carcasses no matter the condition. There nembutal wirkung is no law against it so they do it because it is profitable to them to do so.
Road Kill Is Included In Dog Food Ingredients
Raccoons, skunks, snakes, rats, birds, possums, armadillos, you name it, if it is killed by a car on a highway, it has probably found its way into dog food via the rendering plants. Road crews come by and pick up the animals and then give them to the rendering plants. However, they often don't get to the animals until they've been laying there for a few days or even weeks. The dead animals may have already be half eaten by maggots but off to the rendering plant they will go. The dead animals may be diseased but they are still taken to the rendering plants. None of these animals are tested before they are turned into food for dogs and other products.
Rotten Grocery Store Meat Gets Included In Dog Food
Did you think they threw the rotten meat away at the grocery store? No, of course not. After they mark it down, "reduced for quick sale," if it rots beyond the point they can sale it, they give it to the rendering plants. But here's the real clencher... the rendering plants don't even take off the plastic wrapping or Styrofoam containers before they throw it into the rendering vat. Removing the packaging would take time and therefore make it less profitable for them.